NPTC Group of Colleges has recently taken delivery of two HydraChill Water Refilling Stations at the Llandarcy Academy of Sport.
The new HydraChill two-in-one stations provide all College students and visitors with free chilled and filtered tap water with the added option of buying a College branded reusable bottle – which is available from the machine.
Taking pride of place in the sports hall and gym area of Llandarcy Academy of Sport, the HydraChill machines are customised to NPTC Group of Colleges and have proved an immediate hit with students and gym members.
The machines have been receiving incredible levels of use since installation.
HydraChill provides free hygienic access to freshly chilled public water for 'on-the-go' customers. Linking water delivery directly to pipe-fed mains water reduces the carbon and energy footprint of buying pre-bottled water in plastic bottles.
The College takes it corporate social responsibility very seriously and the Hydrachill system gave an ideal alternative to disposable bottled water with its associated demands placed on energy, resources and landfill as well as helping our students, gym members and all visitors have access to free water.
Our brains depend on proper hydration to function optimally. Brain cells require a delicate balance between water and various elements to operate, and when you lose too much water, that balance is disrupted therefor our brain cells lose efficiency.
Barry Roberts, Head of Sport and Public Services, explains: "Years of research have found that when we're thirsty, we have more difficulty keeping our attention focused, it can impair short-term memory function and the recall of long-term memory as well as physical effects such as fatigue and dizziness.
Keeping our students well hydrated will not only improve their concentration in the classroom but outside on the sports field too.
"There are also other benefits to installing the HydraChill machines at the Llandarcy Academy of Sport such as the elimination of the spillage and wastage associated with the traditional water fountain dispensers, less plastic bottles going to landfill as well promoting water as a healthy source of refreshment."
Hydrachill desevedly had its efforts to improve access to free drinking water and reduce waste and emissions rewarded with a double award at the Houses of Parliament. In a special presentation ceremony at the House of Commons, HydraChill Ltd was presented with an International Green Apple Environment Award and further honoured as International Green World Ambassadors for 2016.
Nick Davis, Founding Director of HydraChill, added "HydraChill may be gaining national recognition but what's additionally satisfying here is that we are a local company. NPCT Group of Colleges approached us without knowing this, simply because they recognised the importance of the issues and the ability of HydraChill to encourage better hydration in a more dynamic and appealing way.
The levels of use to which the machines have been subjected already, appears to justify their faith".